Friday, November 27, 2015

Your Morning Trump Reads

For those who are still digesting their Thanksgiving meals, we offer these collected thoughts on Republican front-runner and Mussolini of Manhattan Donald "Rump" Trump as potential cathartics:

Timothy Egan, New York Times:
[O]ver the last three months, in listening to plans of the Republican presidential front-runner and the views of his increasingly thuggish followers, I’m starting to have some dark fears should Donald Trump become president.

Take him at his word — albeit, a worthless thing given his propensity for telling outright lies and not backing down when called on them — Donald Trump’s reign would be a police state. He has now outlined a series of measures that would make the United States an authoritarian nightmare. Trump is no longer entertaining, or diversionary. He’s a billionaire brute, his bluster getting more ominous by the day
(our emphasis)
 Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon:
If Donald Trump wins the White House now, it will be impossible to forget that he did so, in part, because he persistently lied about American Muslims cheering 9/11 and used as evidence the reporting of former Washington Post reporter Serge Kovaleski — a man whose work Trump so vastly respects that he openly mocked the reporter’s disability before a crowd of cheering Republicans in South Carolina[snip]

In his speech Tuesday, Trump hooked his arms in front of his body and flailed around while saying, “now, the poor guy — you’ve got to see this guy, ‘I don’t know what I said! I don’t remember!'” The manner in which he curled and tucked his arms was a clear reference to the fact that Kovaleski suffers from arthrogryposis, a congenital disorder that limits the flexibility of his arms. 
(our emphasis)
 Judd Legum, Think Progress:
For the past several days, Donald Trump has claimed that “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The claim has been thoroughly debunked by multiple fact checkers. The New Jersey Attorney General investigated rumors of such celebrations immediately after the attack and found them to be “bogus.” Simply put, it did not happen. 
Trump links to, a conspiracy website that pushes the idea that 9/11 was an insidejob.

According to Infowars, the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary was a hoax, FEMA is setting up concentration camps and Andrew Breitbart was assassinated to prevent the release of damaging information about Barack Obama. 
(our emphasis)
As FOB Gene put it so well, "When Fascism comes to America it'll be wearing a day-glo orange toupee and be yuuuge and classy."

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