Monday, December 7, 2015

A Small Victory for Sanity

In a victory for gun safety advocates, the Supreme Court today declined to hear an appeal brought by the gun manufacturers lobby that wanted the court to rule against the community of Highland Park, IL which has banned such semiautomatic weapons as the AR-15 as well as magazines with capacities of over 10 rounds. Not surprisingly, the Court's two most reactionary justices, Clarence "Long Dong Silver" Thomas and Antonin "Anti" Scalia, dissented and said they wanted the case heard.  Earlier this year, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled in favor of the community's ordinance.

If localities like Highland Park -- and cities and states -- can stiff the gun manufacturers lobby with these type of ordinances, while it certainly won't eliminate the sale or possession of semi-automatic weapons in those jurisdictions, maybe it will save someone's life in the future from an unhinged shooter blasting away. It's worth trying to save those lives.


  1. I'm sure that Gun Humping Nuts will draw the obvious conclusion:

    For background Highland Park Cops had a nasty habit of profiling and making traffic stops on any car that registered to a person whose named ended in S or Z, and in the early 2000's then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama used the data collected about the unlawful traffic stops to require all police officers fill out a "traffic stop card" indicating why they stopped a vehicle, their subjective view of the driver and what occurred during the traffic stop.

    Thus, we can conclude the corrosive President Obama is harkening back to his first victory over Real 'Merican Heroes and harming white power yet further!!!


  2. It's. Always. Obama's. Fault.

    Thanks for the Chicagoland perspective and additional insight, as always Gene!
