Monday, December 21, 2015

Another One Bites The Dust

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry Butchmeup*" Graham has announced that he's suspending his virtually non-existent campaign for the Republican nomination. When he announced his long-shot candidacy last June, Huckleberry stressed his aggressive positions on military intervention in Syria and Iraq, in concert with longtime associate and fellow bomb-bomb-bomb enthusiast Sen. John McCain. But in the past six months, his campaign went nowhere in the crowded clown bus field of Rethug candidates.

The Senator has been a very vocal critic of his party's frontrunner, neo-fascist bloviator Donald "Rump" Trump,  so whatever small cohort of supporters he had will likely be picked up by another "establishment" candidate.  His decision to suspend his campaign turned on whether he wanted expose himself to defeat in South Carolina's primary in February, so Huckleberry's decided that discretion was the better part of valor and quit.

* h/t to Esquire's Charles P. Pierce for the moniker

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