Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bernie Sanders Schools Trump On Bodily Functions

Yesterday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) attempted to school (potty train?) the infantile Mussolini of Manhattan, Donald "Rump" Trump, on his apparent lack of knowledge of human bodily functions, as Rump displayed in his comments Monday about Hillary Clinton.  Here's what Bernie had to say:
"I don't know how to break this to you. Donald Trump is very upset," Sanders told a crowd at a campaign stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
"I don't know what his relationship with women has been like, but he has discovered that women go to the bathroom, and it's very upsetting for him."  [snip]
At Tuesday's rally, Sanders read Trump's quote out loud, marveling at the businessman's apparent lack of understanding of basic bodily functions.
"This is a guy who wants to be president of the United States. He must have a very unusual relationship with women," Sanders said.
Sanders noted that he, like Clinton, also went the bathroom during the debate, but somehow Trump wasn't disgusted by that.
“I've got to be honest with you. I've got to lay it out on the table: I also went to the bathroom,” Sanders said. “I know. I have to admit it.”
Way to troll that schlong putz, Bernie!


  1. and merca luvs them there trumper.

    Basically amazing how the US is showing it's true colors. That and scary as well.

  2. The more foul he is, the more they love him. Yeah, that does say something, doesn't it. Thanks for keeping us on your radar, One Fly!
