Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hillary Clinton And The Purist Dead- Enders

We've chosen up until now not to comment on the rash of epistles from dead- enders on the Ralph Nader end of the spectrum who say they won't vote for Hillary Clinton no matter what, and you can't make them!  We frankly can't improve on the existing rebuttals of these purist, born- yesterday dudebros:

BooMan has addressed one of the egregious, privileged twits who plans to withhold his precious vote from Hillary Clinton, Huff Post contributor Ben Spielberg, rogered by Brian Beutler in the tweet above.  There's also the ubiquitous Walker Bragman, who has dropped a few tantrums over at Salon (fast becoming home of Clinton Derangement Syndrome we're sorry to say), his latest having been handled nicely by Tom Hilton and by Yastreblyansky, both at No More Mister Nice Blog.  The great Charles P. Pierce has another Snow White covered here.

Sometimes, one is called upon to cast a vote against a candidate or party, rather than for a candidate or party, and looking at the neo- fascism pervading the Republican side, 2016 will surely be one of those times.

These "progressive" dead- enders aren't progressives, no matter what they might tell you.  They're self- absorbed neophytes who've managed to get a gig with a "respectable" outlet.  But people like them who would cavalierly play games while the future of this country is at stake shouldn't be given a veneer of respectability.  They've never suffered, nor would they, the consequences of a far- right Republican stranglehold on government.  They'll always have a platform and income, and access to the voting booth and health insurance.  They need to be called out, early and often, because they're just as dangerous as the Stormtrumpers.

UPDATE:  The dead- enders might want to take to heart what Sen. Bernie Sanders said today about his competition with Hillary Clinton:
“We want to defeat rightwing extremism in this country, so we are trying to work out our differences of opinion.”