Wednesday, December 16, 2015


As we noted below, Cubano gusano and smarmy sociopath Sen. "Tailgunner" Ted Cruz got into it last night with slippery Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio in the Rethug debates over the NSA's collection of phone "metadata," with Tailgunner Ted posing as a libertarian wanting to limit Government surveillance of phone records.  After Glug Glug pounced, Tailgunner Ted got into some specific numbers which may have involved the disclosure of classified information about the NSA's counter-terrorism efforts on a nationwide broadcast.

Senate Intelligence Committee staff have been asked to look into Tailgunner Ted's statement to see if he breached security. We would hope, if classified information was illegally divulged by Tailgunner Ted, that it would 1) cause him to lose whatever security clearance he has, and 2) prompt long, drawn-out hearings from every Committee of jurisdiction on the Senate and House side.  A heavy fine or time in the slammer would be icing on the turd cake.

UPDATE: The staff of the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee won't be looking into the apparent breach of security after all. The IOKIYAR principle at work.

(photo:  That come slither look…)

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