Monday, December 28, 2015

Quote Of The Day - Ronaldus Ignoramus

From distinguished Prof. William Leuchtenburg's book, "The American President: From Teddy Roosevelt to Bill Clinton," a thumbnail of former President and right- wing saint, Ronnie of Hollywood:
No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed. At presidential news conferences, especially in his first year, Ronald Reagan embarrassed himself. [snip]
In all fields of public affairs—from diplomacy to the economy—the president stunned Washington policymakers by how little basic information he commanded. His mind, said the well-disposed Peggy Noonan, was “barren terrain.”  [snip]
No Democratic adversary would ever constitute as great a peril to the president’s political future, his advisers concluded, as Reagan did himself. Therefore, they protected him by severely restricting situations where he might blurt out a fantasy.  
Reading the excerpt, it's interesting to note some of St. Ronnie's closest advisers' opinions of his intelligence and suitability for the office.  Also, the excerpt reminds us of the influence of wife Nancy, especially how her reliance on an astrologer constituted the final say in some Presidential scheduling decisions.  Hoo-boy, good times.

"Ronaldus Magnus" indeed.  More like "Ronaldus Ignoramus."