Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Rubio Used Official Position To Aid Felonious In-Law

This can't be good for the otherwise somnolent campaign of that slippery gusano, Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (R-MIAmi):
When Marco Rubio was majority whip of the Florida House of Representatives, he used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post.
In July 2002, Rubio sent a letter on his official statehouse stationery to the Florida Division of Real Estate, recommending Orlando Cicilia “for licensure without reservation.” The letter, obtained by The Washington Post under the Florida Public Records Act, offers a glimpse of Rubio using his growing political power to assist his troubled brother-in-law and provides new insight into how the young lawmaker intertwined his personal and political lives.
Rubio did not disclose in the letter that Cicilia was married to his sister, Barbara, or that the former cocaine dealer was living at the time in the same West Miami home as Rubio’s parents. He wrote that he had known Cicilia “for over 25 years,” without elaborating(our emphasis)
Wow.  We wonder who/ what oppo research outfit prompted the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle to dig up this 13- year- old letrina now?  What's that, Jeet Heer?

Oh, riiiight.

BONUS:  BooMan has more detail on the felonious brother- in- law that Glug Glug vouched for.

BONUS II:   Oh, and this upstanding Glug Glug pal, too.

(Image:  "We're going to need more water over here, stat!")

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