Friday, December 11, 2015

Snarly, The Radicalizer

California's great Sen. Barbara Boxer has said that the more you see Carly "Snarly" Fiorina, her opponent in the 2010 Senate race, the less you like her. She had that right, and apparently Rethuglican / New Confederate / Shooter Party voters agree, given her sad poll numbers. They don't like what they see, not that she's not radical enough or dishonest enough for them, because she certainly is.

Her flamboyant story at the September 16 Rethug "debate"about seeing a video of an aborted baby's brain being "harvested" by Planned Parenthood was graphic, and, as it turned out, false.  But the false tale was breathlessly repeated by the Rethug-wired corporate media, who back in September saw Snarly as the shiny latest thing for them. Unfortunately for Snarly, and the shiny object chasers, after the video was released, it was clear that no such scene actually appeared on the heavily edited video. Nontheless, Snarly continued to double down on her lie, and this morning she was called out again on CNN in the context of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, where the shooter, Robert Dear,  voiced the "no more baby parts" language that Snarly has been throwing recklessly around. Her literally snarling responses to the CNN host is more revealing than any performance of hers thus far.

As long as we're asking about the radicalization of the San Bernardino killers, we might also ask who radicalized Robert Dear enough to kill three people at the Planned Parenthood facility?  She's not alone, but Snarly's right in there.

BONUS:  What "fair and balanced" would really look like in the media:

(Darrin Bell, via

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