Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Cubano Gusano Fight

As the Rethuglican primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire approach, far-right candidates and cynical opportunists Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (R- Adelson) and Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz (R-Calgary) are taking harder shots at each other, angling to be the eventual "alternative" candidate to vulgarian hate spewer Donald "Rump" Trump. The latest volley comes from Tailgunner Ted, who in an interview with Bloomberg News, accused Glug Glug of promoting "military adventurisn" in the Middle East, and linked him to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (ouch!) in his support for toppling the Qaddafi regime in Libya.  Tailgunner Ted also went on to oppose U.S. military intervention in Syria, a clear break with neocon policies, and something that will keep neocon donors like gambling mogul Sheldon "Smelly Shelly" Adelson and hedge fund vulture Paul Singer on Glug Glug's team. Trying to appeal to "libertarian" voters, Tailgunner Ted has also taken shots at Glug Glug's support of the NSA's mass collection of phone data.

We'll watch the intra-Cuban primary between these two reactionaries with amusement and fascination, as the rhetoric escalates and the stakes rise. Let's hope that, during the growing fracas, they bloody themselves so badly that it sinks their 2016 hopes, and both say "no mas."

(photo: Watch your back)

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