Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iran Complies, Nuke Capability Eliminated

Iran has complied with the conditions of dismantling its nuclear weapons enrichment program, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which stated: "Iran has carried out all measures required under the JCPOA, to enable implementation day to occur." This represents a major achievement for the Obama Administration, which has sought, through diplomatic means, to eliminate Iran's military nuclear weapons capability. In compliance with the agreement, Iran has shipped 98 percent of its fissionable material out of the country, has destroyed the core of its plutonium-producing reaction by pouring concrete into it, and mothballed thousands of centrifuges that were key to enriching uranium to weapons-grade material.

This represents a major victory for the Obama Administration, which has applied serious economic and diplomatic pressure on the Iranian government by enlisting the support of its European allies, and Russia and China, in stopping Iran's development of nuclear weapons. For its part, Iran will have economic sanctions lifted (as long as their compliance continues), resulting in an influx of much needed resources to bolster its flagging economy.

Rethugs, of course, are unhappy at the success of the Administration's efforts, as are the neocons who wanted a "military" solution ("Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran") that would have sacrificed thousands of American lives and treasure without end, and a generation in yet another ground war in the Middle East (we're counting on Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu to voice some bullish*t excuse for why this agreement is a problem for his Likud Party nuclear-armed Israel).

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