Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Militia" Jamoke Arrested After Vehicle Theft

The pathetic clowns "occupying" the administrative center at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon have been reaching out to supporters for such staples as sex toys French vanilla creamer, throw rugs and boxer briefs ("medium/large/ and extra large"), while rifling through the center's files and using the facility's computers (Federal offenses). They've likely been surprised that the tyrannical, jackbooted thugs of the Fish and Wildlife Service haven't descended on them with deadly butterfly nets and bird seed by now.  Indeed, local law enforcement authorities have been letting the fools come and go unmolested from the Federal property in their own vehicles, until one of the cretins decided to drive off in a Government vehicle yesterday.

The patriot freedom fighter moocher, 62 year-old Kenneth "What's The Frequency?" Medenbach was arrested by local authorities for unauthorized use of a Government vehicle (ed.: Really? Not grand theft auto?) as he stopped at a Safeway to buy beef jerky KY liquid supplies. Reports indicated that two Government-owned vehicles have been recovered and repossessed by the Fish and Wildlife Service. So we can add vehicle theft to the charges of trespassing, unauthorized use of Government equipment, and damage to Government property that the jamokes at the wildlife refuge can be charged with.  Of course, we'd put sedition on the table, too.

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