Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Rethugs Want To Select Press Coverage

One of America's emptiest suits, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwarmer Reince "Prepuce" Priebus has announced that the Rethugs will not allow NBC to host the February 26 Rethuglican "debate", replacing them with Fox lite CNN. Apparently, Prepuce was miffed that the CNBC moderators at the Rethuglican "debate" last October had the effrontery to ask, you know, actual questions of the assembled clowns. Having been selected by the RNC as a "safe" channel, we're presuming that CNN will dial it back to questions like, "Sir, you're an honest and upstanding person. What are your thoughts on failed Secretary of State and unindicted criminal Hillary Clinton?"

The Rethuglicans, who have been working through state legislatures to let Rethug politicians pick their voters through redistricting, are now blatantly picking the "news" outlets that they'll play ball with, and by "ball," we mean softball.  Working with Fux all these years, they've gotten used to their propaganda being disseminated without pushback.  Given the shallow, horse race mentality of the political media -- ever chasing "scandal" and smoke -- we're not surprised that CNN has agreed to substitute for NBC, but they might want to consider incorporating the RNC's logo into their own from now on.

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