Friday, January 1, 2016

Trump Stars In Terrorist Recruitment Video (UPDATED)

Well well well.  Looks like Hillary Clinton was, at the very least, prescient about fartbag Donald "Rump" Trump being an important recruitment tool for Islamic terrorist groups (much to the "consternation" of Fox "News" and the rest of Wingnut World):
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

Al-Shabab is an “an al-Qaeda-linked militant group based in Somalia.” It is best known for its deadly attack on a mall in Kenya in September 2003. Kohlmann, however, says Trump appearance in the video signifies his larger utility for the broader jihadist movement.
That "utility," of course, is Trump as jihadist recruiter.  But Trump is simply the biggest hot air balloon in the Republican "presidential" field;   similar Islamophobic statements have been made by all the other clowns in the Republican candidate clown car bus.  Maybe they'll be getting a cameo in a future video.  Well done (for the jihadists)!

UPDATE:  In his inimitable style, Andy Borowitz gets us to laugh about this.

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