Friday, February 26, 2016

Bully Chris "Krispykreme" Christie Endorses ... Bully Trump

“Donald's a great guy and a good person. But I just don't think that he's suited to be president of the United States [...] I don't think his temperament is suited for that and I don't think his experience is.”  (our emphasis)
This is now:
Mr. Christie, noting he has been friends with Mr. Trump for a decade, said that he was “proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump.”

Mr. Trump “will do exactly what needs to be done to make America a leader around the world again,” he said.  
(our emphasis)
What was Christie's price -- a bag o' donuts?

Makes you wonder if they didn't have a deal before the last New Hampshire debate when Krispykreme eviscerated Sen. Marco "Roboto" Rubio as Trump largely watched from the sidelines.  Exposing Roboto for the empty suit he is, in exchange for ... Attorney General (in the never- gonna- happen Trump assministration)?  Then he'll be able to do a lot more than close a few lanes on a bridge to screw his enemies!

The Republican "establishment" is having a hard time keeping its own in line, isn't it?

BONUS:  And finally,

BONUS II:  Not surprisingly, Krispykreme lied to supporters about endorsing Rump.

(Photo:  Christie, getting rid of the evidence)