Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bundys And Other Seditionists Indicted On Multiple Felony Counts

Indictments have been announced for the April 2014 armed standoff at the Cliven "Hoof" Bundy ranch in Nevada:
A federal grand jury in Nevada indicted Cliven Bundy and four others on 16 charges related to an armed standoff near his ranch in 2014 over unpaid grazing fees.

The 69-year-old Nevada rancher was arrested Feb. 10 in Portland, Oregon, where his sons, Ammon and RyanBundy, are jailed and accused of organizing the occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. In the takeover, which lasted nearly six weeks, they had demanded that public lands be turned over to locals and that two area ranchers serving sentences for arson be freed.

Ammon Bundy, of Idaho, Ryan Bundy, of Nevada, Ryan Payne, of Montana, and Peter Santilli of Ohio, were also indicted by the Nevada grand jury Wednesday.

The charges against them and Cliven Bundy include: conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, conspiracy to impede or injure a federal officer, weapon use and possession, assault on a federal officer, threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction, extortion to interfere with commerce, and interstate travel in aid of extortion.
If convicted, the jamokes could spend a very long time in prison and be subject to millions of dollars in fines.  Excuse us while we enjoy the schadenfreude.


  1. "If convicted, the jamokes could spend a very long time in prison and be subject to millions of dollars in fines" AND have their guns taken away from them! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ....
