...she'd sound a lot like this wingnut welfare hack:
"Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party for over 50 years. And part of me wonders if the Republican party should even bother asking for the black vote because black Americans seem to like being political dummies." (emphasis added)There's no point in whispering in this moral moron's ear "southern strategy," because it would be to no avail. Her existence depends on stroking members of the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid / Shooter's Party, which hasn't had any interest in advancing rights or opportunities for African-Americans for many generations. Indeed, just the opposite (see "southern strategy" above). The simple fact is that she's aligned with the party of, among others, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, David Duke, and Donald "Rump" Trump, whom she earlier names as the candidate that would appeal the most to African-Americans. Seriously. The same guy that the Stormfront white supremacist goons love.
Perhaps she's hoping that Rump will throw a little business to her marginal p.r. company. After all, she's not doing this for free.
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