Thursday, February 4, 2016

Quote Of The Day -- Debate Advice

As Secretary Clinton and Sen. Sanders prepare for their last debate before the New Hampshire primary in environmentally ravaged Flint, MI,'s excellent Charles P. Pierce has some advice for them:
"The only issues to be debated in Flint involve the failure at all levels of Republican (and conservative) government, and the destruction of the political commonwealth by the same. Just take turns pointing that out for a couple of hours and you may not have to worry about who you're running against. Also, if you can have a big pitcher of lovely yellow water on your podiums for the camera, that would be nice, too." (emphasis added)
Given the venue and the terrible, criminal actions by the Rethug-controlled State and local governments visited on the working class citizens of Flint, this would seem to be a no-brainer. So perhaps one debate where the candidates' major fusillades are aimed at the destructive forces of right-wing government would be a debate worth watching.

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