Saturday, February 6, 2016

Today's Reading - The Real Marco Rubio

Brian Beutler has an article worth reading on the malleable, dangerous gusano, young Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (R-MIAmi), beloved of the Republican- wired Beltway media.  Here's a sample:
He has landed near the sweet spot between Cruz-like extremism, Trump-like nativism, and Jeb Bush’s more principled rejection of both factions of the right. But to get there, he’s attached himself to policy proposals that are different in kind, and more extreme, than those of recent Republican nominees. Now Rubio threatens to smuggle them into the general election undetected by a press corps that has been fixated on Trump.  [snip]
  • Recklessly suggested ethnically profiling Muslims through their mosques, community centers, businesses, and the web. He accused President Obama of pitting Americans against one another by visiting a mosque, seemingly articulating the principle that presidents shouldn’t visit mosques because the millions of Americans whose votes Rubio wants dislike Muslims.
  • Denied the fact that “human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it.”
There's much more, so please read the entire piece if you can.

Buetler wonders, as we do, if Glug Glug will ever be held to account for his cynical maneuvering and extremist positions, starting at tonight's Republican "debate."  Regardless, Glug Glug has clearly emerged as the corporate media's darling, even at the "liberal" New York (Effing) Times, as Steve M. points out.

Coupled with their disdain, if not outright hatred, of Hillary Clinton and dismissal of Bernie Sanders, the corporate media is setting the stage for an election based on the most egregious narrative:  Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio is a likeable guy well within the "moderate conservative" tradition.  Don't ever fall for it.

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