Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Job Program For One

Idiot savant Dr. Ben "Bennie the Blade" Carson was, for a while, the darling of the evangelical faction within the Republican wingnut base, due somewhat to his personal Jesus fetish and to his rude behavior toward President Obama at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. He was riding high initially, before the debates exposed him as a weird, somnolent guy, prone to quietly fading out of the conversation altogether. Last week, after withdrawing from the race, Bennie the Blade popped up to endorse neo-fascist narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump, who would appear to have been his exact opposite. Strange, no?

Think Progress is reporting (tip of the hat to P.E.C.) that Bennie the Blade decided to endorse Rump after being offered a job in a (never-gonna-happen) Rump Administration, "certainly in an advisory capacity," according to Carson. That's interesting. It also would be illegal, since the law prohibits a candidate from offering someone employment in exchange for an endorsement.

The only position Bennie the Blade might qualify for would be the NASA Administrator, since he spends most of his time in outer space.

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