Monday, March 21, 2016

Missy's Master (UPDATED)

As the clearest evidence of who pulls the strings of Senate Republicans, Senate Majority Leader and human / turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell indicated on Fux "News" yesterday that the National Rampage Rifle Association would have veto power over any Supreme Court nominee offered by the President, even in a lame-duck session after the elections. Missy said he couldn't imagine any Rethug Senator considering someone whom the NRA opposed (that must be somewhere in the Second Amendment that we missed).  Here's the video.

In 2014, when Missy was faced with a serious re-election challenge from Dem Alison Grimes, he showed up at CPAC nervously waving a musket over his head. Mockery ensued. Reporters were unsuccessful in determining whether the chinless one even owned a firearm, and when he was challenged by Grimes to target practice, Missy ducked in his shell and refused to come out. Your Republican establishment's leader in a turtle nut shell.

UPDATE:  Another in a line of polls shows how deeply unpopular Missy's position is:
The American public feels that a president’s Supreme Court nominations should be taken up by the U.S. Senate no matter when they occur, according to the latest Monmouth University Poll.  Specifically, two-thirds say that Pres. Obama’s recent nomination deserves a hearing and 3-in-4 Americans think Senate Republicans are playing politics by refusing to consider to it.

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