Tuesday, March 1, 2016

O'Reilly Not Spending More Time With His Kids

The Fux Channel's star propagandist, Bill "O'Liely" O'Reilly, was ordered by a Nassau County, NY appeals court recently to relinquish all custody of his two teenage children to their mother. The custody issue was central in a years-long battle between O'Liely and his ex-wife, who divorced him in 2011. During the divorce proceedings, his ex-wife claimed that O'Liely had physically abused her, and his 17 year-old daughter told court appointed officials that she had witnessed her father drag her mother by the neck down a flight of stairs. In their decision, the court cited the children's clear preference to reside with their mother exclusively. Small wonder.

In reading the linked article, it's clear that rageaholic O'Liely isn't through with his personal post-marital war.  He's apparently seeking to nullify the marriage which produced his two children. Family values!

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