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(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
As Charles Pierce notes in the pre-mortem excerpted below, the long- awaited reckoning of the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party will likely begin with today's Super Tuesday primary voting taking place in 11 states.
The panic over this reckoning is deep and wide among Republicans who, up until now, have been perfectly happy to ride the seething, misdirected resentment of right- wing white folks into control of both houses of Congress, countless governorships and state legislatures, and the occasional Presidency. The angst was palpable in the past 24 hours, just in the confines of the
Michael "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson, speechwriter for the Bush assministration:
We have seen the lengths to which Trump will go to threaten and intimidate his enemies, armed mainly with social media. It seems reckless beyond reason — reckless with the republic itself — to arm him with the immense power of the executive branch. Consider the inherently threatening quality of the words “Trump’s military” or “Trump’s FBI” or “Trump’s IRS.” The grant of vast influence to a leader of such vindictive temperament is utterly frightening.Ed Rogers, Republican lobbyist and consultant:
Again, I missed the Trump phenomenon. And I continue to not understand it. I’m afraid that in order for me to “get it,” I’ll have to assume some things about my fellow Republicans that I have spent decades denying. But for the time being, I hold fast to the belief that the vast majority of Republicans are not stupid, are not racist and, if anything, their biggest sin is that they are sometimes too committed to honorable core principles to work effectively within a government that requires compromise.Jennifer Rubin, Republican hack and unrequited lover of Willard Romney and Paul Ryan, on Republicans who said they could support Rump if nominated:
These are not bad people, nor do they support Trump. But they fail to recognize that there are only two choices in 2016: Someone other than Trump gets the nomination, or there is no unified GOP (at the least for the 2016 presidential race, and perhaps permanently). Ironically, it is sometimes more difficult to recognize a tectonic shift is underway than it is to recognize small shifts. The former prompts denial and a desire to cling to what is known, even if it what is known is on the verge of extinction.Of course, none of their analyses come to grips with the fact that their party has been going off the rails, with their avid encouragement, for going on 40 years now. They're shocked, shocked! that this uncouth fellow Trump, with his malevolent bullhorn, is undoing all the work of their very successful multi- decades- long dog whistling. If they weren't such awful people, it would be almost pitiful.
UPDATE: Here's a look at a Rump- friendly rabble- rousing outfit and the deep thoughts of some of their vicious Stormtrumper readers.
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