Thursday, March 3, 2016

Willard Might Condescend to Be The Nominee, If You Ask Him Nicely (UPDATED)

Watching failed candidate and human-simulator Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney deliver his takedown today of neo-fascist wig stand Donald "Rump" Trump was fascinating.  First, it was Willard with his mittens gloves off, attacking Rump as a "con artist" (thanks, Roboto!), and pointing to his business record (um, Willard, and your Bain Capital?), his position-shifting (can you say "etch-a-sketch" Willard?), and overall coarseness. Watching the smug face of Willard lecturing the mouth breathers brings back memories of all the things we disliked about him: the holier-than-thou pose, the almost-religious bow to St. Ronnie of Hollywood, his whole unctuous, waxy demeanor.  That said, it was a scorching review of Rump by the most recent Republican candidate for President, one that will be the basis for many Democratic ads this Fall should Rump be the Republican candidate.  There was a lot there that just can't be walked back.

Our takeaway from this performance was Willard's burning desire to be the nominee out of a brokered convention, should the primaries and caucuses leave it deadlocked.  It's interesting that he chose this moment, after Super Tuesday and before the next onslaught of primaries, to step out of one of his mega-mansions to attack his party's frontrunner (of course, he threw some nasty jabs at Hillary Clinton, just to show the audience he's ready for action!).  So, expect Willard to adopt a higher profile in the coming weeks and months, just to remind us he's tanned and rested and ready. Willard may even graciously condescend to be the establishment's nominee, as long as the Stormtrumpers don't run him out of town first with pitchforks and AR-15s.

UPDATE:  Sen. John "Walnuts" McCain has decided to chime in, too.

UPDATE II:  Walnuts' "gift" to America, snowbilly grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin blasts Willard with her trademark word salad.

UPDATE III:  Steve Benen nails Willard on his and the Rethug establishment's hypocrisy and amnesia.

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