Monday, April 18, 2016

Battle Within The RNC Breaks Out (UPDATED)

An upheaval within the Rethuglican National Committee (RNC) is breaking into the open with news that the chair of the Party's rules committee, which makes the rules that the Rethug convention will abide by, has objected to RNC leadership's attempts to smooth the way for a "white knight" candidate to emerge. Committee Chairman Bruce "It's Ash" Ash sent an e-mail to the other members of his committee saying that it was a "breach of trust" by RNC officials << cough Reince "Prepuce" Priebus >> to propose the change by party insiders which could block neo-fascist Donald "Rump" Trump or smarmy theocrat "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz from the nomination after the first ballot. The Party's establishment is extremely worried that nominating either Rump or the Tailgunner will lead to their defeat, and equally important, down-ballot races in toss-up states, especially Senate contests.

Empty suit Prepuce has lost control of his deranged Party and has been on the defensive against attacks by Rump that the Party's delegate selection process is "rigged" and "corrupt." Now, the games being played to avoid the calamity that they have engendered over many years are out in the open.

UPDATE:  Does what happened at this Republican delegates meeting in the Virgin Islands (!) foreshadow coming events in Cleveland (we hope so!).  Hee-hee.

(photo: "Hello, Suicide Hotline?  It's Priebus again.....")

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