Wednesday, April 6, 2016

FL Woman Ass-Kicks Rick Scott (UPDATED)

We don't know when we've ever seen a more worthy verbal ass-kicking of a wingnut Rethuglican as the one administered by Cara Jennings to right-wing Gov. Rick "Voldemort" Scott in a Gainesville, FL Starbucks.  Watch him and his coat-holders scurry out after Jennings berates him for cutting women's public health services and Medicaid:

She gets right to the essence of Scott when she declares, "you're an asshole." He should hear more of that each and every day -- loudly --  wherever he goes.  Well done, Cara.

(h/t to Salon, which has details here)

UPDATE:  Now the chickenshit Scott has sicced his PAC on Ms. Jennings.  What a douche.