Monday, April 11, 2016

Headline Of The Day - Sweet Charity!

... goes to Wonkette:

art of the steal
Turns Out Donald Trump’s Idea Of Charity Involves A Lot Of Golf

What's the context you ask?  Well, there's news this morning that philanthropist scum bag Donald "Rump" Trump has been "embellishing" the reality of his "charitable" contributions (yes, shocking, we know), which his campaign claimed was "$102 million over 5 years."  Wow, $102 million!  What a prince, right?  So has he made any cash donations from his own pocket?  Why, no, no he hasn't!  Well, what kind of "charitable contributions" is his campaign referring to?
[M]any of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles. [snip]
Trump listed a donation to “Serena Williams Group” in February 2015, valued at exactly $1,136.56. A spokeswoman for the tennis star said she had attended a ribbon-cutting at Trump’s Loudoun County, Va., golf course that year for a new tennis center. But Trump hadn’t donated to her charity. Instead, he had given her a free ride from Florida on his plane and a free framed photo of herself(our emphasis)
Well, at least it wasn't a photo of himself.

There's more revolting detail at the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle, which is apparently taking a break in its constant shellacking of Democratic hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to note a true con artist at work.  If this guy isn't the prototype of phony, cheating, self- aggrandizing, narcissistic, clueless plutocrat Republicans, we don't know who is.

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