Friday, April 29, 2016

History Will Remember

We will be continuing to note the latest amoral, craven, cowardly Republicans to succumb to neo- fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump:
Two prominent GOP establishment congressmen — Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania, who chairs the House Transportation Committee, and Jeff Miller of Florida, who chairs the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee — endorsed Trump on Thursday.
There are so many reasons to despise man- bat hybrid and Florida Republican Gov. Rick "Voldemort" Scott.  Now you can add this to the list:
“Donald Trump is going to be our nominee, and he is going to be on the ballot as the Republican candidate for President. The Republican leaders in Washington did not choose him, but the Republican voters across America did choose him. The voters have spoken.” 
There's a list of the dregs of American politics supporting Rump here.   We have to make sure these moral ciphers and cowards, and what they stood up for, are remembered.

Why?  Because remembering is the enemy of Rump and all the narcissists, demagogues and charlatans before him.  Our past forgetfulness as a nation allowed for them and Rump to come along, polluting political life and ripping at the social fabric of America.  As Charles Pierce says today in a very timely essay,
The 2016 presidential campaign—and the success of Donald Trump on the Republican side—has been a triumph of how easily memory can lose the struggle against forgetting and, therefore, how easily society can lose the struggle against power. There is so much that we have forgotten in this country. We've forgotten, over and over again, how easily we can be stampeded into action that is contrary to the national interest and to our own individual self-interest. We have forgotten McCarthy and Nixon. We have forgotten how easily we can be lied to. We have forgotten the U-2 incident and the Bay of Pigs and the sale of missiles to the mullahs. And along comes someone like Trump, and he tells us that forgetting is our actual power and that memory is the enemy. 
We believe (hope?) history will remember, mainly because it won't be written by puerile politicians or our ethics- free media* -- but, as a people, will we remember, this time?

* BONUS:  Wonkette decimates the Rump- curious wankers at Salon. Let's be sure to remember them, too.


  1. The Media is busy figuring out how to burnish Hair Furor and the Republicans are falling in line. Exactly as we knew they would. By election time the NY Times will be running hit pieces on HRC everyday while fluffing the Hair Piece.

    But, who gives a fug!

  2. When they elect "President" Trump, he'll go after them hard (he'll be trying to shut them down with DOJ at the first opportunity).

    Thanks Gene.
