Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Morning Read - "Debunking Republican Health Care Myths"

A good read this morning from the New York Times editorial board:
Disaster.” “Incredible economic burden.” “The biggest job-killer in this country.”

Central to the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz has been the claim that the Affordable Care Act has been a complete failure, and that the only way to save the country from this scourge is to replace it with something they design.

It’s worth examining the big myths they are peddling about the Affordable Care Act and also their ill-conceived plans of what might replace it.
Of course, it's not just Trump and Cruz, it's the entire Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party that's dedicated to lying about and ultimately killing the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare"), because they're all about afflicting the afflicted.