Thursday, April 14, 2016

"#NeverTrump" Becoming "#EventuallyTrump"

Paul Waldman argues what many of us assumed would be the case all along:   that Republican media and political grifters leaders would, as Republicans always do, fall in line behind the likely nominee.  Unfortunately for them, that would be neo- fascist fartbag Donald "Rump" Trump.

It's started with someone you wouldn't necessarily have thought would be able to swallow Rump:
Fox News and Donald Trump are reaching a detente at last; yesterday Megyn Kelly went to Trump Tower for an hour-long meeting she described as allowing “a chance to clear the air,” after which Trump went to the Fox offices to have lunch with network chief Roger Ailes. This comes after Kelly had the temerity to ask Trump about sexist remarks he had made in the past, which led him to unleash a months-long campaign of insults at her (The Donald doesn’t like to be challenged, especially by a woman).
The time had obviously come for Kelly to make nice, and more importantly, Fox needed to smooth over any conflict with Trump, given that he’s likely to be the Republican nominee for president soon.
Who else do we have waving the white flag?  Why none other than "Bush's brain" (hahahaha), American Crossroads' Karl "Turdblossom" Rove:
... Politico reports today that while Rove has been criticizing Trump in public, behind the scenes he and American Crossroads, the super PAC he helped found, are telling donors that Trump can beat Hillary Clinton, so everyone needs to be prepared to get behind him. Now why might that be?
If your guess as to why Turdblossom might be willing to eventually tolerate the Rump involves the phrase "grifting the rubes," you are a winner!
... If Trump is the nominee and American Crossroads said, “Forget about this election — we won’t support Trump,” where would that leave them? On the sidelines, with no role to play (at least in the presidential race), no contributions coming in, no salaries for their staff, no commissions for their consultants, and no influence. When there’s a presidential election going on, the last thing political players like them want is to be left out of the game.
That's why Waldman, correctly in our view, thinks the usual suspects will return to the fold because, darn it, there are sheep to be shorn and money to be made!  And if mercenary considerations weren't enough, a deep, abiding hatred of the "Democrat" Party (magnified a hundredfold by the Clintons and Obama) will keep them from staying on the sidelines for long.

That's why in the weeks and months ahead of the July convention, you'll see more of these unprincipled professional grifters like Rove lining up behind Rump:

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