Tuesday, April 5, 2016

New Backlash Against NC Discriminatory Law

Ever since the passage of the state "lavatory law" in North Carolina that discriminates against LGBT citizens, organizations and businesses have been pushing back against the right-wing Republican Governor Pat "McCrock" McCrory and his legislature. Now, PayPal has decided not to locate its global operations center in Charlotte, North Carolina, saying that the state law violates the company's values and principles. The decision by PayPal will mean that the center's 400 jobs will go elsewhere. McCrock had just recently boasted about PayPal locating its operations center in North Carolina.

Other major corporations like PepsiCo and Google Ventures have strongly objected to the law, HB2. Google Ventures announced that it won't provide capital to any companies in North Carolina as long as HB2 is on the books, and PepsiCo, a company originally founded in the state, said that the law was undermining efforts "to advance North Carolina's long-term interests".

As Indiana learned under their clueless Republican Governor Mike "Sex Pence" Pence, a state passing reactionary discriminatory laws that belong in the 19th century can't be expected to attract businesses in the 21st century.

UPDATE:  It looks as if Rethugs in Mississippi are following the lead of their brethren in Indiana and North Carolina, enacting another bogus "religious freedom" law allowing Bible-bangers to discriminate against LGBT citizens over their "deeply held religious beliefs".... you know, like "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).


  1. Meanwhile,, Mississippi's religious bigotry law is even worse. It's outlawed premartial sex. We should have let them leave the Union and now we should kick them out and stop subsidizing them, especailly since they are celebrating Confederate Heritage Month.

  2. Celebrating treason-in-defense-of-slavery month. Such a proud heritage. The late Phil Ochs sang in the early '60s, "Here's to the land you've torn out the heart of, Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of." He was on to something....
