Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rump's Narcissism Revealed Again

As the usual Republican-wired Beltway media hacks were trying to polish the turd known as Donald "Rump" Trump after his foreign policy speech disaster yesterday, a sober and frank voice stood out in the person of widely-respected Foreign Policy editor David Rothkopf, who said on CNN:
"This speech was incoherent, it was fact-free, you know he -- his solution to almost everything was, let me handle it. You know, Russia, I'll talk to them. China, I'll talk to them. ISIS, I got a plan, I'm not going to tell you what it is. But, you know, saying that, you know, your personality is going to solve every problem isn't a foreign policy. It's really a kind of narcissistic personality disorder." (emphasis added)
Time and again, in all of his speeches, rallies and interviews, Rump's assurances that his negotiating and executive prowess will do what no one else can do, his belittling of others, his preening about his education and intelligence, all fit the definition of a narcissistic personality disorder (read the Mayo Clinic's definition and marvel at how closely it matches Rump's persona). That should alarm everyone who claims to be serious about electing our nation's chief executive -- and commander-in-chief, with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

BONUS:   History will remember those who enabled Rump.  Like this fella:
Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called it “a very good foreign-policy speech in which he laid out his vision for American engagement in the world.”
And this fella:
After Donald Trump's big speech yesterday on foreign policy, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Twitter, "Washington elites mock Trump for mispronouncing Tanzania. They don't get it. He said the most important word correctly: America. He gets it."

BONUS II:  For clear- eyed reactions to Rump's Big Speech, here's Fred Kaplan and Daniel Drezner.

(Image:  Stein-Olsen)

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