Saturday, April 16, 2016

Send In The Flying Monkeys!

Hate radio harpie Laura "I'm Melting" Ingraham was slinging her right-wing hash on her radio program yesterday when, as they say, technical difficulties occurred.  She was about to discuss some horrific story -- most likely how Hillary ate the remains of the Benghazi! victims -- when the wingnut warrior's earphones malfunctioned, along with the control panel. She then launched into a foul-mouthed tirade, not realizing that her microphone was still on. Here's a short sampling, but listen to the whole audio at the link, including the incongruous Credence Clearwater Revival ("rollin' on the river...") and Hollies ("pay you back with interest...") background music:
"We’re gonna lose every fucking station we have. This is unbelievable. I don’t know what to do. What do I do? Just read stories?"
Well, "stories" are what she tells all the time  -- tall ones at that -- so that should have been a seamless transition. Bwahahaha.

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