Tuesday, May 17, 2016

History Will Remember, Cont.

One need look no further than the op/ ed pages of the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle this morning to see more well- deserved opprobrium being directed at Republicans who are leaving behind what tattered consciences they had in order to endorse neo- fascist clown Donald "Rump" Trump:

Former Dumbya speechwriter Michael "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson:
In the category of credit where credit is due, Donald Trump has been exactly right in one important respect. He attacked the Republican establishment as low-energy, cowering weaklings. Now Republican leaders are lining up to surrender to him — like low-energy, cowering weaklings. The capitulation has justified the accusation.
Frequent blind squirrel Richard Cohen on RNC Chairstain Reince "Prepuce" Priebus' and fellow lemmings' efforts to "sell" Trump:
This effort to clean up Trump soils everyone involved. He cannot take back what he has already said. Words, programs and proposals matter, of course, but what matters even more is the mind-set that produced them.
The editorial board of the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle:
Rudimentary adherence to the truth and respect for openness matter. Mr. Priebus and his confederates in amorality dismiss or excuse Mr. Trump’s mockery of these precious political values because they believe politics matters more than principle. Mr. Trump’s campaign will end, one way or another, in November. The disgrace of the Republicans who have supported him will not. 
Josh Marshall and his staff at TPM are performing a valuable service to those of us who want history to remember who the Republican elected officials moral cowards are who are supporting Rump.  Here's the current list.  We'll keep track, too.

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