Prepuce: "All these stories that come out — and they come out every couple weeks — people just don’t care. I think people look at Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and say, ‘Who’s going to bring an earthquake to D.C.?’
That's true, if by "people," Prepuce was referring to the angry know-nothings that populate Rump's fan base. Or if by "people," Prepuce means Rump-supporting misogynist, sociopathic men. As Rump pointed out, they wouldn't care if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York City.Wallace: “The question is whether or not he mistreated women, made unwanted advances, whether he humiliated women in the workplace — I don’t know why you say people don’t care about that."(emphasis added)
Unfortunately for Prepuce, the 70% of women who find Rump objectionable do care, because they've likely run into someone like Rump in their lives and know what unwanted advances are like. He'll see how much they care when they come out and vote in November.
Republicans do not consider women "people". And they have the works of Greatest Jurist Evar Fat Tony Scalia to fall back upon as original constitutional evidence.