Sunday, May 29, 2016

Rolling Thunder, Where Politics "Trump" Patriotism

The "Rolling Thunder Rally" has become an annual Memorial Day spectacle in Washington, D.C. involving thousands of motorcycling veterans, fire fighters, wannabes and hangers-on descending on the Nation's capitol to remember prisoners of war and the missing in action. One would think that the organizers of the rally would steer clear of anyone who has disparaged a POW or military hero, or lied about contributing money to support veterans. One would be wrong.

This year, the organizers of the rally have invited neo-fascist draft-dodger Donald "Rump" Trump to speak at the rally. This is the same buffoon who said that he didn't consider former POW John McCain to be a "war hero," who said that avoiding venereal disease in the 1970s was "his personal Vietnam," and who recently was caught lying about a $1 million personal contribution to support veterans' causes. Just one of those situations would have eliminated any other politician from the rally, especially a Dem. However, the Rolling Thunder Rally organizers apparently have a higher priority than honoring or supporting vets: lending their political support to the one candidate who has pulled off the trifecta of disparagement to vets. They should be (but won't be) ashamed of themselves.  IOCIYAR.

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