Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sagebrush Wingnut OK With Shooting Cops

It's appalling, but not surprising, that Bundy bunch cheerleader and (believe it or not) Nevada Assemblywoman Michele "Freaky" Fiore thinks it's OK to shoot a police officer if that officer is pointing a gun at you. Of course, you'd have to be suspected in a serious crime for that to happen, especially if you're a white woman (black people, not so much).  She's competing in the Nevada primary to win the Rethug nomination for a U.S. House of Representatives seat. Said the unhinged gun fondler:
"Whether you’re a stranger, a bad guy, or an officer, and you point your gun at me and you’re gonna shoot me and I have to decide whether it’s my life or your life, I choose my life.”
That's right. Here's a self-proclaimed defender of the Constitution, flouting law enforcement and promoting lawlessness. It fits with her rabid defense of the Cliven Bundy family domestic terrorists, and her violent threats even aimed at rival Rethuglicans.  Not surprisingly, she's a huge hypocrite and a pusher of quack cancer "treatments" that raked in millions in state Medicaid loot and caused the State of Nevada to pull her home healthcare business license.

Wingnuts who talk tough like Freaky almost invariably end up buckling very quickly in situations involving law enforcement. But Freaky might just be deranged enough to push it over the line some day.

1 comment:

  1. Conservatives don't give a shit about Cops. Never have never will. However, they are interested in using Police Officers as another wedge issue in their ceaseless efforts to undermine America and install the right-wing values of oppression, intoelrance and prostration to the rich. And if a few Cops have to die to advance their agenda? Then Republicans will tell their drones to kill those cops.
