Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Weak! Rump's Hedging On Issues

Neo-fascist vulgarian Donald "Rump" Trump's been on both sides of several issues from the beginning. When he's caught, he ends up lying about it, and when he's caught lying, he lies about that, too. Think Progress notes three issues dear to the hearts of wingnuts that Rump has taken opposing positions on: transgender rights (i.e., bathroom wars), guns in schools (good kids with guns vs. bad kids with guns), and the national debt (tea baggers arise!). Weak! Sad!

Another example that has come to light in the past couple of days: global warming. Rump has repeatedly tweeted (his way of issuing policy papers) that global warming is b.s. and a "hoax" apparently perpetrated by those greedy climatologists tucked away in far off laboratories. But he apparently thinks it's real enough to build a seawall for his resort golf course in County Clare, Ireland, justifying its construction by citing rising seawater as a result of.....global warming.

Rump's situational "truthiness" reveals something more dangerous and pathological: he lies, and not in the sly, secretive way of, say, Tricky Dick Nixon, but in a bold, don't-give-a-f*ck way that displays utter contempt for his followers and for honest government. Be assured, however, that his wingnut following couldn't care less about the shifting positions because...freedumb! And Mess'can rapists! And "deals!"  So, the big con continues.

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