Friday, June 10, 2016

Pivots Are For Looosuhs

Those panicking Rethuglicans who are trying desperately to rein in their out-of-control neo-fascist bigot Donald "Rump" Trump might want to keep putting Bailey's on their cereal, because their raging buffoon thinks "pivoting" for the general election audience is for looosuhs. In a New York Times interview, Rump suggested that "political correctness" and lack of backbone among politicians was to blame for the recent flood of negative reaction to his racist comments directed at Judge Curiel, who is the presiding judge in one of the fraud cases brought against Trump "University." As to whether Rump will heed the frantic calls by fellow Rethugs to exchange the bullhorn for a dog whistle,
"But anyone thinking that Mr. Trump is going to suddenly adopt a more cautious, strategic approach yearned for by election-conscious congressional Republicans is likely to be disappointed. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the mere mention of the word 'pivot,' though he conceded he wants to get on to broader discussion of the economy.

In his view, it is clear that his way has worked and the establishment’s has failed. After all, he vanquished every senator, governor or former governor who challenged him for the party’s nomination."
(emphasis added)
Yes, you narcissistic clown, please, please keep doing what you're doing, day in and day out until the election, and don't listen to those failed Rethugs who will be wetting their trousers and telling you to chill.  Please!

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