Saturday, June 11, 2016

Rethug Senator Implies He Wants Obama Dead

A collection of right-wing, Bible-banging hypocrites and haters were in Washington, D.C. last week, where they attended the "Road to Majority" conference of the ironically named "Faith and Freedom Coalition" (which promotes the faith of intolerance and hatred, and wants an authoritarian theocrat to lead the U.S.). Yesterday, they heard from Georgia's junior Rethuglican Senator, a right-wing redneck piece of work by the name of David "Perdition" Perdue, who proceeded to smirk and invoke a passage from the Bible to suggest  that President Obama should die quickly and that his family suffer torments as a result. Of course, the American taliban audience laughed at that howler, good Christians that they are. The Biblical reference was Psalm 109:8, which is a very cruel curse on an enemy of David. Very vicious, and a curse wingnuts have been aiming at Obama and his family for years. All that was missing from his presentation was a cross burning and a salute to the Confederate flag of treason, but doubtlessly Perdition will save that for a rally of his base back in Georgia.

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