A poll released by Bloomberg shows presumptive Dem Presidential nomineee Hillary Clinton with a 12 point lead (49 to 37) over her presumptive Republican rival, neo-fascist narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump. The poll was taken from June 10 through 13, representing the first poll since the mass shooting in Orlando.
Strikingly, the poll indicates Rump's unfavorable rating at a whopping 70%, with 55% saying they would never vote for Rump. The poll also found that Clinton supporters were more enthusiastic than those for Rump. There are some downsides for Clinton, too: by a small margin, more were inclined to see Rump as better to handle Orlando-style attacks, and as better at responding to threats abroad (ed.: yes, leave the response to an ignorant, narcissistic authoritarian with no impulse control). Note that this was before Rump's scurrilous, post-Orlando attacks on President Obama's loyalty were widely criticized.
Polls at this stage of the campaign are seldom if ever indicative of the November results, but Rethuglican officials have to be wetting themselves thinking that their candidate has yet to hit bottom, either in his behavior or in the polls.
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