Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Thoughts & Prayers Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

It was good to see Democrats on the floor of the House of Representatives loudly asking Speaker Paul "Lyin'" Ryan "where's the bill," referencing the bottled up gun safety bill that's been obstructed by the gun lobby's coin-operated Rethuglican members. After offering the usual "thoughts and prayers" mantra, Ryan, ostentatiously made the sign of the cross after a "moment of silence" that has become a pernicious, cynical, and insincere dodge for Rethugs that won't deal with common sense gun safety measures. The "silence" they should be observing is the deadly silence of the countless people murdered in mass shootings perpetrated by sick people with military-style assault rifles with large capacity magazines.

(cartoon: Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, via Gocomics.com)