Thursday, June 16, 2016

Unhinged Rant Of The Day (UPDATED)

In a just world, this ought to be reason enough to rid the Senate of this endangered, angry crank once and for all. Speaking of the Orlando massacre, Sen. John "Walnuts" McCain today echoed the lunacy of Republican presumptive nominee, neo- fascist crackpot Donald "Rump" Trump:
“Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures.”
A series of absurd non sequiturs does not a lucid critique make, Walnuts, and the Stormtrumpers will still not vote for you.  But then, we never expected much better =cough= Sarah Palin =cough= bomb bomb bomb Iran =cough.

Help retire Walnuts and take a step toward a Democratic Senate by donating, if you can, to Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick for Senate.

John Fugelsang adds:

UPDATE: Now Walnuts says he "misspoke." We dunno -- sounded pretty straightforward to us. Let's retire him. Sad!

UPDATE II:  Steve Benen has a good takedown of Walnuts' bitter rant and the illogic behind it.