Friday, June 10, 2016

Warren's World-Class Takedown of Rump

Speaking at the national convention of the American Constitution Society of Law and Policy yesterday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Awesome-MA) endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and then turned and delivered a powerful nut-stomping to neo-fascist racist Donald "Rump" Trump in a style that only she can pull off. Here's a sample, where she goes after Rump for his attack on Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a Trump "University" fraud trial:
“You should be ashamed of yourself, ashamed. Ashamed for using the megaphone of a presidential campaign to attack a judge’s character and integrity simply because you think you have some God-given right to steal people’s money and get away with it. You shame yourself and you shame this great country. Like all federal judges, Judge Curiel is bound by the federal code of judicial ethics not to respond to these attacks. Trump is picking on someone who is ethically bound not to defend himself — exactly what you would expect from a thin-skinned, racist bully. You, Donald Trump, are a total disgrace." (emphasis added)
You can watch the full, glorious take-down here.

In whatever role she plays in the upcoming election, there won't be a better, more articulate, more courageous voice for progressives against the dangerous monster that the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid / Shooter's Party has selected as its standard bearer, and against that Party's history of obstruction and extremism.

BONUS:  You can add "deadbeat" to the list of accusations against Rump: he has a record of stiffing contractors and vendors when they come to get paid for their work. "Deadbeat Donald" has a ring to it.


  1. How proud am I - that's MY senator! Go get 'em, Elizabeth!

  2. She's a once in a generation gift to progressives and the nation, and we're all so proud of her.
