Friday, July 29, 2016

A Hero's Father Blasts Rump (UPDATED)

The most powerful single moment at last night's Dem convention came in the short speech by Khizr Khan, a Muslim immigrant from the United Arab Emirates and father of Army Capt. Humayun Khan who was killed in Iraq while protecting his fellow soldiers. With his wife standing next to him and looking directly into the camera, Khan tore into neo-fascist draft dodger Donald "Rump" Trump, who has proposed a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. and called for "monitoring" American Muslims here at home:
“Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. Look for the words ‘liberty’ and ‘equal protection of law.’ Have you ever been to Arlington National Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending this country. You have sacrificed nothing.” (emphasis added)
Disgracefully, Rump said that avoiding the dangers of venereal disease while sleeping around was his "personal Vietnam." Let that sick, self-absorbed thought sink in for a while, and compare it to the ultimate battlefield sacrifice of a man of honor whom Rump would disparage and try to keep out of this country because of his religion. Like the contractors and workers on his projects that he's stiffed for payment, he stiffed his country during wartime and demonstrates each day why he's utterly unfit to serve as President.

BONUS:  Here's the visual...

UPDATE I:  Cancerous genital wart and Donald "Rump" Trump supporter (M)Ann Coulter had a vile tweet in response to the Mr. Khan (which we won't show);  she had some appropriately harsh takedowns.  Loathsome does not even begin to describe this ... thing.

Also, the Islamophobic slimeballs over at Fux "News" avoided airing Mr. Khan's speech, choosing instead to show -- despicably -- a paid Benghazi Benghazi! BENGHAZI!! ad from a wingnut group, after talking over the speech for the first few minutes.

(photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images)

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