Monday, July 25, 2016

"Dems In Disarray" Narrative Launches

Well, that didn't take long:

(Screenshot from this morning's "Today Show" on NBC)

It seems they're determined to blow this narrative into the equivalent of last week's Republican sh*tshow... because balance!  Also, what's the downside?  Trump's no existential danger!

BONUS:'s Charles Pierce marvels at how expertly Debbie Wasserman Shultz's DNC has served up a big turd on Hillary Clinton's plate on the eve of the convention, with the gleeful assistance of our broken media and Donald "Rump" Trump's friends in Russia:
"So thus does ideologically aligned press get a Dems In Disarray narrative to write, the ostensibly non-aligned press gets the Both Sides In Chaos story of its dreams, and the DNC under DWS demonstrates, for possibly the last time, that it would screw up a two-car funeral if you spotted it the hearse. These are the people standing between the Republic and El Caudillo de Mar-A-Lago."
And Wasserman Shultz still wants to speak tonight? Cut off the mic.

Adding fuel to the media's gas tank, Bernie-or-Bust holdouts:
BONUS II:  Paul Waldman has an important analysis of this narrative and who those protesting "Dems" really are:
... But for some of his [Sanders'] most ardent followers, joining the Democratic Party was never part of the deal. Many of the ones now protesting are quite open about the fact that their goal is to destroy the party, and if Sanders is no longer a vehicle for the achievement of that goal, they’re likely to turn their backs on him. [snip] 
... These are the kind of people who think that giant puppets are the key to creating lasting social change.

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