Thursday, July 7, 2016

More Rethuglican Show Trials

Just as the Benghazi Benghazi BENGHAZI!! show was an attempt by cynical Rethuglicans to, as their leader in the House put it, bring down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers, now they're at it again, this time over the puffed up e-mail story.  Today, the Republican-led House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will put on a show trial of FBI Director James Comey, apparently because his bureau didn't play their game and recommend charges against Secretary Clinton. On Tuesday, Comey (who happens to be a Republican) patiently explained that the facts in the e-mail matter wouldn't lead any prosecutor to file charges. That's clearly not good enough for Congressional Rethugs, who are stuck with a bigoted buffoon as their candidate, and who are desperate to damage Clinton's election prospects by fanning the dying embers of their bogus "scandal."

Next week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch has her turn at a show trial before the House Judiciary Committee, where no doubt the Rethug members will have a whole conspiracy scenario concocted for her to refute. Did President Clinton bribe you when he met with you on your plane last week? Were you really born in Kenya? Nothing is beyond the bounds of sanity when you're dealing with lunatics.

For both show trials, we earnestly hope that the House Rethugs succeed in humiliating themselves thoroughly as they did previously with Secretary Clinton over Benghazi Benghazi BENGHAZI!!

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