Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Paul Ryan: Still A Soulless Shill

Sleazer of the House Paul "Lyin'" Ryan (R- Galt's Gulch) took to the pages of the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle this morning to offer what has to be one of the most egregious deflection maneuvers in recent American politics. This is from someone who supports the election of neo- fascist loose bullshit- cannon Donald "Rump" Trump, a man whose own lack of "discretion and judgment" in both his public and private life is utterly disqualifying:
"...[G]iven Clinton's record of extraordinary lack of discretion and judgment, the risk [of receiving classified intelligence briefings] is just too great."
Meanwhile, this moral midget was confronted by a young Republican student at a town hall yesterday and asked how he could justify supporting Rump. Here's what "Lyin'" Ryan said:
“You’re going to help elect Hillary Clinton,” he said. “And I don’t think Hillary Clinton is support any of the things you stand for if you’re a Republican,” calling a potential Clinton presidency “a third Obama term.” 
The Republican leader told CNN host Jake Tapper that he justifies his support for Trump because “it is a binary choice.” 
“It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don’t get a third option.”
This is yet another stain (tattoo?) that will and should remain on "Lyin'" Ryan, the corporate media's idea of a Republican "intellect," who is in fact a charlatan of the first order.  His career- long willingness to put party over country, now manifested in working to elect an unfit, unstable authoritarian demagogue, should never be forgotten -- by the voters or by history.

(Photo:  You know where you can stick those thumbs, right?)

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