Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Quote Of The Day: Trump Plays To His Stormtrumpers

“This is a guy who understands that the center of his play is this deeply resentful, edge case group of people who really believe that the Jews control the world, and that white nationalism is the future of American politics... And they range in sophistication from, you know, the guys who are fairly clever race-baiters who try to stay out of the dirtier slums to the crazies in mom’s basement screaming for hot pockets and a new Holocaust.”   Republican strategist Rick Wilson yesterday on neo- fascist white supremacist re-tweeter Donald "Rump" Trump, of anti- Semitic slur shame. (Meanwhile, just saw a loonng piece on Secretary Clinton's e-mail "lies" by Mrs. Alan Greenspan on local NBC affiliate news. Fallout! Sic transit gloria, America.)

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