Sunday, July 10, 2016

Report: ISIS Losing Ground In Iraq, Syria

A report by the research organization IHS says that ISIS has lost roughly one-quarter of its occupied territory in Iraq and Syria over the past 18 months. The report goes on to say that as a result of its battlefield losses (most recently the re-captured city of Fallujah), the extremist organization is stepping up attacks elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe to maintain its recruiting and image. Iraqi forces are gearing up for retaking Mosul, the last remaining major city in Iraq under ISIS control, while Syrian forces are advancing north of ISIS' capital in Raaqa, Syria in preparation for an assault.

None of these positive developments will stop partisan attacks by Rethugs on the President or on Dems in general, despite the fact that the last Republican President played the pivotal role in creating ISIS through his incompetent management and disastrous decisions in Iraq.  Even the Army general that neo-fascist con man Donald "Rump" Trump is considering for his Vice President, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, thinks so, and he's no fan of President Obama.

As with the economic recovery, Dems are left to clean up the messes that Rethugs leave for them, while the Rethugs are blaming them for not cleaning up the messes they made fast enough.

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